
adagios - Web Based Nagios Configuration

License: AGPLv3
Adagios is a web based Nagios configuration interface build to be simple and intuitive in design, exposing less of the clutter under the hood of nagios.


adagios-1.6.3-2.el7.noarch [3.7 MiB] Changelog by Pall Sigurdsson (2013-08-28):
- Fix syntax error in adagios.conf (
- Merge branch 'master' of (
- More button made part of the action_buttons block (
- Merge branch 'master' of (
- status/perfdata2 - fix link to services (
- status/hostgroups - checkboxes next to hostgroups (
- Added more button for extra actions in status view (
- New view /status/perfdata2 (
- hostgrouplist refactored to use snippet (
- status_detail layout changes (
- Update debian package (
- Moved WSGIProcessGroup within <location /adagios> (
- Debian package directory created (
- adagios.conf - Clarifications to default values (
- - python paths for apache fixes (
- - pep8 cleanup (
- BI - Fix reference to non-existing localhost (
- Updates to status_detail look (
- objectbrowser/ pep8 cleanup (
- BI - cleanup in (
- BI - allow for any process_type (
- BI: macro resolving updates (
- Performance: resolve macros only once per instance
- Fix: urls for pnp4nagios edit file (
- Minor updates to BI module (
- PEP8 fix (
- BI unit tests moved to (
- Fix: path issues in bi (
- Business Intelligence moved from status to its own module
- bi: Macro support in human friendly status (
- Fix: links on static BI pages (
- added static BI view for (
- cleanup for static BI pages (
- Merge branch 'master' of (
- incremental updates to BI (
- Merge branch 'master' of (
- scripts-> - incremental updates
- status -> forms: pep8 cleanups (
- Fix: BI add graphs typo (
- Update status_error.html - Fix typo (
- scripts directory created (
- status->services: Put a timed refresh on 30seconds (
- selectable class added to status.html and status_detail.html
- selectable class added to status.html (
- enhanchement: links on state_history view (
- new status/rest function 'get' (
- base status updates to javascript (
- javascript updates to select2 objects query (
- css: nomargin class added (
- update servicelist checkboxes to new status standard (
- checkboxes on perfdata metrics (
- add subprocess and add graphs improvements (
- CSS: links are bold again (for now) except on left_sidemenu
- Create servicegroups view (
- fix typo in bpi forms (
- error handler on businessprocess graphs (
- Fix: business process add now redirects to edit after save
- PNP graphs now have last_value attribute (
- Business Intelligence support last value of graph (
- adagios.businessprocess - pep8 cleanup (
- Business intelligence dashboard headers improved (
- better graph support in business intelligence module (
- PEP8 remove linebreak (
- status.views pep8 cleanup (
- Fix: rest/pynag delete_object was using obsolete pynag code
- New modules for custom pages (

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-13.el7